Customer's Artwork
Suzi Thompson
This print was created using Easy Scratch plates, Hawthorn Press and Stay Open Inks. To see more of Suzi's work please visit her facebook page:
Teddi Coutts
I am a Leeds-based printmaker and a member of The Creative Art House. My work reflects the colours and shapes of the landscape, interpreted through printing and mixed media techniques. I use scrap materials to create collagraph plates and re-purpose my cleaning materials as chine colle.
Katah's Atelier du Livre
Katah’s Atelier du Livre is located at the Dragon Dance Theatre printmaking studios in Trois-Rivières, Québec, Canada. A small press publishing significant books about relevant themes. Dragon Dance Theatre bookstore web site follow this link:
Photo of our workshop technician, Leonardo, using the wonderful Hawthorn inks